Take a look at our Introductory Video to get an overview of badges.
(Currently not viewable in Internet Explorer, please use Firefox or Chrome)
We are piloting a system that issues digital badges based on the Mozilla Open Badge Infrastructure. Our system is a WordPress system using WPBadger plugin to create and award badges.
What is a badge?
Check out Mozilla’s info page about badges and Wikipedia’s entry on Digital Badges
What does a Badge look like?
Sample Badge Image found on Wikipedia:
What is Mozilla’s Open Badge Infrastructure?
Mozilla’s Open Badge infrastructure provides the open, core technology to support an ecosystem of badges. It is designed to support a broad range of different badge issuers, and allow any user to earn badges across different issuers, web sites and experiences, then combine them into a single collection tied to their identity. This collection of badges can then be shared out to various audiences across the web, resulting in real-world results like jobs or formal credit. http://openbadges.org/about/